Friday, May 7, 2010

why do i always draw stuff like this!?! my friend Rick calls them my "Mother issue paintings/drawings"

im back i think

so now i can sit here and draw... my ideas are flowing..
not as much as before but at least they are a bit?
since i got mentally better (and no more meds) my creative side has suffered.. and i crave it so bad that it makes me want to "get BAD" again hahaah... but hell.. no more getting drunk.. no more pills... i did this on my own before, i can do it again..

im wondering how i can make this blog more exciting?!!
if anyone reads this. ask me to draw fucked up stuff and i will and post it..

bunny is gonna get it.

i finished this last week. done with a fine-point Sharpie.
I really have to start scanning my stuff.
this pic for now.